MAGNET Type | 388232-01SV

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Stare Pending Substitution
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Descrierea Variantei n/a

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Unde este Folosita Piesa

Articol No. Cant. Per Numar Produs Descriere Produs Identificator de tip Alte informatii Piete Stare Produs Ultima Data de Fabricatie Diagram
2 1 2651K-30 3/8 VSR CDLS.HOLGUN 100 QS Discontinued go to diagram
28 1 2651K-47 KIT,CDLS.HOLGUN - UK 100 QS Discontinued go to diagram
26 1 2651K-51 CDLS.HOLGN.SWZ/GR/FR/AUST 100 QS Discontinued go to diagram
2 1 5991K-28 HAMMERGUN,CDLS. (ITALY) 100 QS Discontinued go to diagram
10 1 DC380 DEBITATOR 1 QW Discontinued 01/04/2007 go to diagram
10 1 DC380K 18V RECIP SAW 1 QW Discontinued go to diagram
2 1 DC410 Polizor unghiular mic 1 QW Discontinued 01/07/2008 go to diagram
2 1 DC410KA 4-1/2 CUT OFF TOOL 1 QW Discontinued go to diagram
2 1 DW932K TAMPLAR PLACI 1 GR Discontinued 01/12/2004 go to diagram
2 1 DW932K TAMPLAR PLACI 1 QW Discontinued go to diagram
2 1 DW934 FIERĂSTRĂU CIRCULAR 1 XJ Discontinued go to diagram
2 1 DW934 FIERĂSTRĂU CIRCULAR 1 QW Discontinued 19/07/2010 go to diagram
2 1 DW935K TRIM FIERAstrau 2 QW Discontinued go to diagram
2 1 DW935K TRIM FIERAstrau 1 QW Discontinued go to diagram
2 1 DW935K TRIM FIERAstrau 3 XJ Discontinued go to diagram
2 1 DW935K TRIM FIERAstrau 3 QW Discontinued go to diagram
2 1 DW935K2 14.4V TRIMSAW KIT-U.K. 2 QW Discontinued go to diagram
2 1 DW935K2 14.4V TRIMSAW KIT-U.K. 3 QW Discontinued go to diagram
2 1 DW936 TRIM FIERAstrau 2 QW Discontinued 09/04/2010 go to diagram
2 1 DW936 TRIM FIERAstrau 2 XJ Discontinued go to diagram

*Acestea sunt prețuri orientative care pot varia și nu includ TVA sau costurile de transport. Ne rezervăm dreptul de a modifica prețurile și condițiile fără notificare prealabilă.